March 15, 2001 Weblog
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Blizzard of 2001

Well it wasn't quite up to the big one (1978), but we got hit with quite a storm  the week of March 5th. The total amount of snow in North Andover during the week was about 43 inches.

We had two storms that week - 30" and  13". Wow what a week.

Another year and another season:

My Sister and her husband Jack are the proud owners of a B&B in Castine, Maine. It's called the Pentagoet Inn.

Castine's location on the eastern shore of Penobscot Bay is an ideal location for a get-away. The pleasant walks of this coastal village offer views of the Camden Hills, Castine Harbor with its fleet of sailboats, Maine Maritime Academy, shops, restaurants and historic homes.

Click here for more details

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