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Beach Photos
The snorkeling spot in Western Maui!

  Although this picture is a bit blurry, you can still make the contrasts in water colors.

Each boat that is anchored here has a bevy of snorkelers nearby.

This is just west of Kapalua resort and is referred to as Honolua Bay. It's a  very popular snorkeling spot.

Here is another shot of all the snorkelers in this area. You have to look hard, but they are there trust me.

The catamarans are anchored with a ton of snorkelers in the water with fish every where.

Just look out for eels and sharks.
Another day of snorkeling in Maui!


This shows the spectacular view from the coastal road that runs from Kapalua around the back side of the island.

This is the point where the rental cars tell you if you take the care past here your insurance is null and void.

The road becomes a dirt road & degrades from there. It has spectacular views of mountains and the coast
The western road to "nowhere"

This is the pool area and the cove where you can swim and snorkel. It's just steps from the house.  It's surrounded by a grove of fruit trees.

When we first started visiting, there were wild mongooses that lived down near the pool and in our front yard.

It was always a hoot to watch them run around and stand up on their back legs to check you out.
     The view from the path looking at the cove

Here is another shot of the road to "no where". As you can see in the shot we have gone pretty far out on the road.

At this point there is nothing around - no houses, no hotels, nada.

The amazing part is this area gets less rain and the whole landscape is different. Less trees and vegetation.

As you can see this is just a dirt road. We are about 10 miles west of Kapalua at this point.

The road to get here has been very narrow with lots of blind hair pin corners. It's intense, but hey it's a rental car.

A bit further down the road is the area where folks stacked rocks. With each stack of rocks you make, you get to make a wish.

There are thousands of piles of rocks that people have made.

It's a pretty amazing sight to see.

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